Homo erectus lantianensis

Brief introduction Homo erectus lantianensis is a fossil homo erectus from China. It is often called Homo erectus lantianensis, the scientific name of Homo erectus lantianensis. It lived in the middle Pleistocene and early Paleolithic period. Homo erectus lantianensis Discovery process The Lantian Man was discovered in 1963 in Shaanxi Province, China, near the village …

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Homo erectus yuanmouensis

Introduction Yuanmou people, because the discovery site in Yunnan Yuanmou County, on the northwest of the village of upper Nabeng hillock, named “Yuanmou erectus”, English sculpture: Homo erectus yuan mouensis, commonly known as “Yuanmou people”. The word “Yuanmou” is from the Dai language, meaning “horse”. Yuanmou Man The fossilized teeth of Yuanmou Man were found …

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