Homo erectus lantianensis

Brief introduction Homo erectus lantianensis is a fossil homo erectus from China. It is often called Homo erectus lantianensis, the scientific name of Homo erectus lantianensis. It lived in the middle Pleistocene and early Paleolithic period. Homo erectus lantianensis Discovery process The Lantian Man was discovered in 1963 in Shaanxi Province, China, near the village …

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Homo erectus yuanmouensis

Introduction Yuanmou people, because the discovery site in Yunnan Yuanmou County, on the northwest of the village of upper Nabeng hillock, named “Yuanmou erectus”, English sculpture: Homo erectus yuan mouensis, commonly known as “Yuanmou people”. The word “Yuanmou” is from the Dai language, meaning “horse”. Yuanmou Man The fossilized teeth of Yuanmou Man were found …

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Romulus and Remus

Introduction In Roman mythology they were a twin pair of sons. Their father was Mars, the god of war, and their mother was Rhea Silvia, a priestess. According to the tradition of Plutarch and Tito Levi and others Roman history records that Romulus was the first king in the era of Roman kingship. The two …

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Brief description Bolognolizio (Italian: Civita di Bagnoregio) is a village in the province of Viterbo in the Italian region of Lazio. Bagnoregio dates back 2,500 years and was founded by the Etruscans as a village. The village is also known as the City in the Sky because of its isolation on top of a hill …

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Introduction The name The ancient Greeks called the Etruscans “Tyrrhenians” or “Etruscans”, while the Etruscans called themselves “Larsenas”. Language Etruscan is not part of the Indo-European language family, but little is known about the language and it is not yet decipherable. The Latin script is derived from the Etruscan script. Culture Of all the ancient …

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Battle of Alesia

Prelude Caesar arrived in Gaul in 58 BC. At that time it was the custom in Rome for the highest elected official, the consul, to be designated senior consul at the end of his term of office and to be appointed by the Senate as governor of the provinces. Caesar was consul in 59 BC, …

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The Gallic Wars

Introduction The Gallic Wars, a war of conquest in Gaul waged by the Roman governor Julius Caesar . It began in 58 BCE and ended in 51 BCE. The Gallic Wars consisted of eight military expeditions and the result of the wars was the incorporation of Gaul into the Roman Republic. The Gallic Wars were …

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Urnfield Culture

Introduction The urn culture is a late Bronze Age culture in Europe, named after its unique burial urn. It is also known as the urn cemetery culture because many urns were buried in groups to form cemeteries. Origins The urn culture originated in the Danube Valley of Eastern Europe in the 13th century B.C., and …

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Watergate is a scandal, even a corruption

Unlike corruption in the form of embezzlement, bribery and misappropriation of public funds, there is another type of corruption abroad – political corruption. In political corruption, those who wield political power do not necessarily steal state property or accept bribes from businessmen, but still meet the definition of corruption as “using public power for private …

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Project Apollo

Background The Apollo program was proposed in the early 1960s during the Eisenhower administration as a successor to the Mercury program. The Mercury program used a spacecraft that could only go into Earth orbit and carry only one astronaut, whereas the Apollo spacecraft was envisioned to carry not only three astronauts, but perhaps the moon …

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